

  • Criterion 3 – Research, Innovations and Extension Key Indicator – 3.2 Innovation Ecosystem
  • 3.2.1 Institution has created an ecosystem for innovations and has initiatives for creation and transfer of knowledge (published, incubation center facilities in the HEI to be considered)
  • SIHMCT has a strong Research policy and established innovation & start-up cell as per the norms of center for innovation & linkages, incubation under SPPU Pune university which provides excellence and motivates our teachers and students in their Research & Development. Inventions in Institution are the main criterion for obtaining innovative activities.
  • The Institute is having a close contact with leading industries. The connection is strengthened with the help of Industry Institute interaction Cell, Technology & Business Incubation Center. Institute provides good infrastructure to carry out research activities in terms of Technology Business Incubation Center – Start-up & Innovation Cell, Center of Excellence etc.
  • Institute provides a platform & encourages the students to participate in different activities like (ED), theme lunch, kitchen competition, research paper presentation, poster presentation, project competition to present their ideas at State level.
  • Participation in Everest better kitchen Competition helps to create an innovative environment at the institute level. Institute also organized an international conference to provide a platform for researchers to showcase their ideas and knowledge sharing between the participants. Institutes always support students and faculty by providing financial support for participation in Faculty Development Program, Seminar, Webinar, Competition on Research & Start-up Initiatives.
  • Faculty and students have enthusiastically participated in research activities with the outcome as 08 research papers published.
1Research policyView Link
2Innovation & startup cell certificateView Link
3Competition conductedView Link
4Faculty development program participatedView Link
5Activities for promotion of innovation & EntrepreneurshipView Link
6Industrial visit conductedView Link